Spring break 2004

Ft. Lauderdale, FL


Enjoying the views...

Ah, the Florida beach...

And don't forget the ocean

Lots of these planes flew by to advertise parties and clubs

Ft. Lauderdale is called the Venice of America because of its network of canals.  This is one giant yacht that was sitting outside of our room.

Boys are good for finding random things, like construction helmets washed up on shore, and dead palm branches.


Playing on the beach...


Building a, uh, fortress against the ocean


Mike, Nora, and Paul feel safe and protected in the fortress...


while Katie talks to her mom.


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

McSorley's on the beach, where we enjoyed our St. Paddy's festivities. 

Shane and Katie enjoy their corned beef and cabbage.

The whole group of us at McSorley's.


Escaping by Sea...




Dancing the night away...


Brief layover in Georgia to visit Shane's family and friends

Shane's buddies

The travelers--For those of you who don't know who we are...
Back: Paul, Kate, Nora, Mike
Front: Shane, Katie


A little trouble on the way home

The blown tire

Us trying to figure out what the heck to do now

The tow truck arriving

Can't really tell from the picture, but this is the van scraping the ground as it is loading... low-rider...


Just to let my traveling buddies know... the ketchup has made it to North Jersey


This page and the pictures on it are the property of Kate Sonderfan
and her friends.  Use only with permission.


Email: katja41682@hotmail.com

Created March, 2004